HTML5 history API

How to change url without refreshing the page?

I have recently worked on a website with popups containing artwork and sharing functionality.
This project involved changing url without reloading the page which was perfect use for the HTML5 History API. This API allows you to modify the browser’s history and manipulate the URL without causing a page refresh.

The basic idea behind project I worked on is

  1. When the popup opens, the url changes without reloading the page and the share button is containing this url.
  2. Once the popup is closed, the url changes to the original url.
  3. Open relevant popup on page load when you click on a link containing this url.

I decided to modify the url by adding a url parameter telling JavaScript which popup to open.

For this post I use as domain name and I will modify url to

Just click the buttons below to see it in action

Click me to pass "WordPress" parameter to url

Click me to pass "JavaScript" parameter to url

Click me to pass "HTML" parameter to url


Code for example above:

    .click-me-btn {
        text-decoration: underline;
        cursor: pointer

<span class="click-me-btn" id="WordPress">Click me to pass "WordPress" parameter to url</span>
<span class="click-me-btn" id="JavaScript">Click me to pass "JavaScript" parameter to url</span>
<span class="click-me-btn" id="HTML">Click me to pass "HTML" parameter to url</span>
<span class="click-me-btn" id="reset">Reset</span>
<script> var originUrl = window.location.href;
function change_url(state, title, url) { window.history.pushState(state, title, url); }
var buttonId = jQuery(this).attr("id");
if(buttonId == "reset"){ change_url("state", "title", originUrl.split('?')[0]); } else { change_url("state", "title", "?popup=" + buttonId ); } }) </script>

pushState() function

When pushState() is called, the new state is pushed onto the history stack, and the URL in the address bar is updated to the specified URL. However, it does not trigger a page refresh or navigate to a new page. This allows you to update the URL and handle the state change using JavaScript, enabling you to provide a smooth user experience within a single page.

Here’s a breakdown of the parameters:

state (optional): This parameter represents an object that contains data associated with the new state. It allows you to store custom information related to the state being added. You can pass null if you don’t have any state data to store.

title (optional): This parameter represents the title of the new state. Browsers generally ignore this parameter, so it is often set to an empty string or a short description of the state.

url (optional): This parameter represents the new URL that will be displayed in the browser’s address bar. The URL should be relative to the current page’s URL. If you want to update only the URL without affecting the page’s content, you can pass null.

Get url when page load:

var originUrl = window.location.href;

Function to change url:

function change_url(state, title, url) {
    window.history.pushState(state, title, url);


When user clicks on get button id.

If button has id='”reset”,  reset the url otherwise change it as required

var buttonId = jQuery(this).attr("id");
if(buttonId == "reset"){ change_url("state", "title", originUrl.split('?')[0]); } else { change_url("state", "title", "?popup=" + buttonId ); } })